Our series of webinars continues this September with something a little bit different!

We will be joined by musician Mike Ruff as he looks at the museum from a new angle.

Taking the Museum’s collections of printing presses, a steam powered pumping station and radio and recording equipment as a starting point Mike will look at the impact these technologies had on our cultural heritage using some folk songs and tunes as illustrations.

Mike has had a long career as a Musician, Singer and Dance Teacher. Most recently he has appeared on TV as a dance teacher in “Back in Time for School” and singing at a Street Party in “Back in Time for the Corner Shop.

 To watch the webinar click on the link below. You can submit questions in the comments section:

June 2020: Crossing the Cam: David Stubbings, Chairman of Chesterton Local History Group presents an illustrated history of ferries in Cambridge.

May 2020:

Act I: Darkness: The Year Without A Summer

Act 2: Seeing the Light

April 2020: Town, gown (and clergy) in Cambridge's first industrial revolution: Cambridge University & Town Gas-Light Company.